There I'm flying,back to heaven.

Čitanje je sve.
I glazba,i uzdah i slika.
Kao u kuću u knjigu ulaziš smjerno.
I kao sa stranica
starong sanovnika podigneš glavu
u nebo neizmjerno.
Čtanje uspava,
da nas u rosi budi;
ono je prozor u jedno
novo doba.
I dođu nove misli.
Novi ljudi stoje
kraj starog
kao pjevači kraj groba...


27.08.2008. u 22:15
° 1 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

we all get lucky once =)

napokon...gotovo je s tom deprom...napokon sam sretna...zaljubljena...u pravu osobucerekživot mi je odjednom postao savršen...i viša me ništa nemože rastužiti...
Masho...hvala ti...kiss

Under a lovers' sky
gonna be with you
and no one's gonna be around
if you think that you won't fall
well just wait until
til the sun goes down

underneath the starlight - starlight
there's a magical feeling - so right
it'll steal your heart tonight

you can try to resist
try to hide from my kiss
but you know
but you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
you'll surrender your heart
but you know
but you know that you can't fight the moonlight
no, you can't fight it
it's gonna get to your heart

there's no escape from love
was a gentle breeze
weaves it's spell upon your heart
no matter what you think
it won't be too long
til your in my arms
underneath the starlight - starlight
we'll be lost in the rhythm - so right
feel it steal your heart tonight

you can try to resist
try to hide from my kiss
but you know
but you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
you'll surrender your heart
but you know
but you know that you can't fight the moonlight
no you can't fight it
no matter what you do
the night is gonna get to you

don't try then
you're never win

part of me the starlight - starlight
there's a magic feeling - so right
it will steal your heart tonight

you can try to resist
try to hide from my kiss
but you know
but you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
you'll surrender your heart
but you know
but you know that you can't fight the moonlight
no, you can't fight it

you can try to resist
try to hide from my kiss
but you know
don't you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
you'll surrender your heart
but you know
but you know that you can't fight the moonlight
no, you can't fight it
it's gonna get to your heart

19.07.2008. u 13:54
° 2 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

you won't remember...but you will never forget...

well,it's been a while.nemogu reć da nisam imala vremena za pisanje posteva,jer eto,šta se dogodi-prođe te volje.sve ti u životu jednom dosadi.roditelji,prijatelji,škola...život...pomisliš,čemu smisao svega ovoga?pitanje će uvijek postojat,bez obzira dal će u skoroj ili u daljnoj budućnosti bit odgovoreno ili ne...

Why don't you hear me when I'm calling out to you ?
Why don't you listen when I try to make it through ?
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, you never know
Hold a little tighter...

što je smisao života?
zašto mi postojimo?
zašto sve ovo postoji?
da li je bitno postat bogat,slavan i utjecajan?
ili je bitnije imat 'savršenu' obitelj i dom?
ili možda biti sam i stvarati nešto što će drugima uljepšati život?
nije važno tko si i kakav si...
nije bitno što imaš i koga voliš...
nije bitno tko tebe voli a tko te mrzi...
zato jer kad umreš će sve to ionako nestati.

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23.06.2008. u 18:16
° 6 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

Our candle burns away
The ashes full of lies
I gave my soul to you
You cut me from behind

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
You're scared of the truth
I'm tired of the lies
Cause who i am is where you want to be

Don't act like an angel
Your falling again
You're no superhero
I found in the end

So lie to me once again
And tell me everything will be alright
Lie to me once again
And ask yourself before we say goodbye
Well goodbye
Was it worth it in the end

You said you were there for me
You wouldn't let me fall
All the times i shared with you
Were you even there at all

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
You're scared of the truth
I'm tired of the lies
Cause who i am is where you want to be

Don't act like an angel
Your falling again
You're no superhero
I found in the end

So lie to me once again
And tell me everything will be alright
Lie to me once again
And ask yourself before we say goodbye
Well goodbye
Was it worth it in the end

Why'd you have to up and run away
A million miles away
I wanna close my eyes and make believe
That i never found you
Just when I put my guard away
It's the same old story
You left me broken and betrayed
It's the same old story

Don't act like an angel
Your falling again
You're no superhero
I found in the end

So lie to me once again
And tell me everything will be alright
Lie to me once again
And ask yourself before we say goodbye
Well goodbye
Was it worth it in the end

Lie to me once again
It's the same old story
Lie to me once again
It's the same old story

Was it worth it in the end

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04.03.2008. u 21:54
° 20 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

s dnyom rozhdeniya !!!!!

ok,soooo ovaj post je posvećen jednoj divnoj osobi koja je prije točno 23 godine došla na ovaj svijet.....jedna osoba kojoj se ja iskreno divim,i kojoj ću se uvijek divit,osoba koja je P.E.R.F.E.C.T. u svakom mogućem načinu,osoba koja ima najbolji glas na svijetu,osoba koja imanajzakon kosu na svijetu(spikes are back YAY!),osoba koja ima najplavije oči u cijelom svemiru....osoba koja je jedna polovica t.A.T.u.-a....Yulia Olegnova Volkova. now,sad bi trebalo neš napisat o njoj,jel?oh well.good old copy/paste.zubo

Yulia Olegovna Volkova je rođena 20. veljače 1985. godine. Volkova je u bendu znana po nadimku "zločesta cura" dueta. Yulia voli igrati tenis i zna svirati klavir i gitaru. U svibnju 2004. Volkova je objavila da je trudna sa svojim tadašnjim dečkom Pavelom (Pasha) Sidorovom. U devetom mjesecu iste godine rodila je svoje prvo dijete, Viktoriu (Vika), koja je rođena 23. rujna 2004.godine. Volkova je prekinula sa Pashom u proljeće 2005.god., ali nije dugo ostala sama. Danas je udana žena, a muž joj se zove Parviz Weber s kojim ima dijete, sina, koji je rođen 27. prosinca 2007. godine.

to bi bilo profesionalno gledano,jel.nije mi jasno kako nisu spomenuli njezinu frizurunamcor

ah well.dakle,Yulia!Sretan ti rođendan!želim ti puno sreće,zdravlja,ljubavi i sve šta dođ ti si savršena već ovakva kakva jesi,tak da ti niš od navedenog zapravo ni ne treba.želim ti da izdaš(zajedno s Lenom,naravno) još pregršt albuma i pjesama u kojima ću se vječno pronalazit.i još jedna stvar-želim ti da zauvijek zadržiš svoje zakon crne SPIKEOVE koje ja tolko obožavamzubobudi sretna i vesela,budi zaljubljena,budi sve što želiš-meni ćeš zauvijek ostati super.zubozubo
















-riječ koju ćete najčešće čut kod nje-FUCK YOU!!!!!zubo

20.02.2008. u 16:38
° 3 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °


Profu boli glava.
Jebenti ćo.
Gleda nas.
Ne bu dobro.
Banana cilja na Eni s papirićen.
Eni je pogođena.
Eni popizdi.
"E,to me ful živcira."
A kega ne da,jel.
Banana je luda.
"Šta je Eni?Tko te gađa?"
Kako je to podlo biće.Ma si smo.
Još jedan pokušaj.
I opet.Udara.
Marina šizi.
"Ma ko se gađa???"
"Denis prestani!!!"
"Vidi opet netko!"
Svo ovo vreme Banana i ja umiremo od smeha.
A kji se i ne bi smel.
Profa nas gleda.
Najebali smo.
Banana u akciji.
"Ćuriću!Pička ti materina!"
Sad treba osigurat nevinost.
"Da vi to ne halucinirate?"
Koje budale.
Niko ne kuži ko se gađa.
Još da ona budala od profe ne bleji u nas.
Jebenti ćo.
"Kero i Banana,vi se gađate!"
E ovo je bio grom iz vedra neba.
Ups.Najebali smo.
"Ma nismo mi!Sigurno!"
Phew.Preživili smo.
Banana je potrošila cijelu gumicu.
I ča sad?
Dolazi Drvofix sa novom rezervom gumica.
Tako treba.
"Jen,dva tri,proba-sad!Gađaj!"
Eni je puko živac.
Više se ne okreće.
Neko se zadero.
"Pust je petog!"
M daj.Aš to nismo znali.
Jebenti pust.
Eni nije jasno ko je gađa.
Koje budale ovdi.
Banana pjeva.
"...Nema tebi do mene..."
Mat moja draga.Ja njoj se čudin.
Klara se diže.
Bombardira dečke gumicama.
Ciljaju nas.
Marina i Eni su ih ugledale.
Spašeni smo.
"Denis prestani!"
Jadnik.Baš ima lošu reputaciju.
Banana ludi od sreće.
Opet smo se izvukle.
Profa premješta Čukca.
"Mulac, prestani se gađat!"
No pak sada.
Dečki nas krive.
Vidjeli su nas.
Majku im.
Profa se probudila.
"Ajmo odgovarat."
Svršilo je s nama.


Stopar Karolina....Kero,pripovjedač
Tomić Ana.......Banana
Zaher Klara......Klara
Ćurić Adrian....Ćurić
Ćuković Eni......Eni
Balukčić Marina.....Marina
Mulac Mateo...Mulac
Kožul Denis.....Denis
Đurđa Neč.....Profa


Pozdrav do sljedećeg javljanja,vaš 7.b

samo jedna mala anketica...znate već.



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28.01.2008. u 21:03
° 19 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

"don't you just love happy hollywood endings?"

neću niš pisat...neka pjesma govori...


Izginjajo barve izginja nebo,
iz teme pristaja nekdo,
v srebrnih oblekah ob spremstvu luči,
prinašajo vest da te več ni.

Na listu papirja je njeno slovo,
štempl venus in notri adijo,
kam je šel moj ponos,
moj trud moj pogum,
kaj je razlog da izgineš stran od tu.

Vem jaz sem bil platina a hotela si kič,
jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič,
jaz sem bil kralj celotnega sveta,
a ti na Veneri si doma pa ne znam priti tja,
(pa ne znam).

Ostaja njen vonj v okvirju obris,
raztrgane pesmi in zvok,
v prazni puščavi še čakam na njih,
strah ostaja vem da jih ve ne bo.

V pesek zdaj rišem besede za njo,
in upam v odsev na Venero,
vse bi dal da bi izvedel zakaj in kako,
vse bi dal da pokažem kaj lahko.

Vem jaz sem bil platina a hotela si kič,
jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič,
jaz sem bil kralj celotnega sveta,
a ti na Veneri si doma pa ne znam priti tja,
(pa ne znam).

In spet je večer,
spet je nad mano planet,
izgubljam vso svojo moč,
postajam slep,
prisluhi prividi vse se podira,
vse se krivi a ne smem,
pa vem, da lahko,
in vem, da lahko..

Jaz sem bil platina a hotela si kič,
jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič,
jaz sem bil kralj vsega,
a ti na Veneri jaz kralj vsega,
a ti si na Veneri.

Saj bil sem e platina a hotela si kič,
jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič,
jaz sem bil kralj celotnega sveta,
a ti na Veneri si doma pa ne znam priti tja...

neću vam prevodit jer tolko pak stvarno niste glupi...

19.01.2008. u 17:31
° 4 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

A vsi vemo, da nekateri bi radi še čarati znali,Vsi vemo, da za minuto bi slave sebe prodali,Žalostno,da ti lažnivi dobijo denar le tako,Da samo sranje svetu filajo

ello ljudevi danas je očito drugi sječanj dvije i osme,šta znači da treba počet pisat posteve,godišnji je završ početak svima sretna nova godina,puno zdravlja(al toga će ionako i bit),i zbog toga,budite sretni,budite zaljubljeni,kad već ja neću,netko mora, ovako,ajmo sad bacit crno na bijelo,moje novogodišnje odluke.

1.Napisat ću barem 5 fanficova na forumu(a jedan već jesam,dakle ostanje 4)
2.Zavuć ću rukave,pa makar me nazvali štreberom,potrudit ću se da prođem s pet
3.Trudit ću se na mažortkinjama jer mi do seniorka ima još godinu i pol,a od mene se očekuje da budem replikat moje sestre,šta je praktički nemoguće,jer ona je vječno u svemu bolja od mene,al jbg
4.Ako mi pukne živac zbog moje razrednice ili neke druge profe,jebat ću im sve po spisku i otić sa sata makar mi dali ukor
5.Pokušat na svaki mogući način nagovorit staru da se farbam u ljubičasto
6.Pogledat bar jedan film u kinu jer prošle godine sam samo jedan(i to ninja kornjače...=()
7.Drmnut cijelu bocu friško otvorene Cole(i to coca-cole!) od pol litre na ex
8.Drmnut cijlu bocu friško otvorenog Spritea od pol liotre na ex
9.Ne se napit Tomičiću na rođendanu
10.Objesit plakat od Siddharte na zid jer već stoji dvi godine u onoj kutiji...
11.Pravit se anđelčić da za rođ pokupim tolko željeni Nintendo DS
12.Izvježbat klavir kak se spada,pošto više ne idem na instrukcije
13.Bit najbolja učenica iz engleskog jezika i dogodine drmnut na natjecanje i po mogućnosti prošibat na državno pa pokupit bodove za gimnaziju(al to je više želja nego odluka)
14.Kupit hlače!!!!!!!
15.Pokušat se ne posvađat s nikim osim mame i sestre
16.Bit u dobrim odnosima s Akavicama(da mi je znat kako...trud trud i samo trud...i neizmjerno gledanje roze boje fuuuuj)
17.Ić sa sestrom u Ljubljanu na njezin faks i jest hranu iz kantine,jest meksičku,jest kinesku i jest u Triglavu
18.Pročitat sve knjige iz lektire ovo polugodište(kad već nisam glupog Robinsona Crusoea u prošlom)
19.Pročitat još 5 knjiga izvan lektire
20.Ić više ljudima na rođendane


I napokon sam nakon gotovo 13 godina života na fatalan način shvatila da se bojim nećemo sad o tome.A kako je 13 moj sretan broj,a ove godine punim trinajsticu,značli neću više bi malo djete neg teenager pa će stara malo višre respekta pokazivat.I po tome,kako je 13 moj sretan broj,vjerujem da će mi ova godina bit oduvijek-ž to ću vam javit sljedećeg posta ljudi moji,šozdrav! (od danas ne govorim pozdrav nego šozdrav!)

I oni koji dobiju ideju nek mi u komentarima kažu o čem da pišem u sljedećem postu!

02.01.2008. u 11:01
° 19 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

santa can you hear me,I have been so good(bad!)this year...

pa ljudi moji.izgleda da je danas sranje.znate,ja donekle volim,ali i donekle mrzim božić.mislim,lako maloj djeci koja nemaju briga nego samo dobivaju poklone i vesele jebiga ne ide to tako kod nas.a jedan od stvari koju najviše mrzim kod božića svakako jest božićni šoping.dobro,kome se da trošit silne pare na neke sitnice?doduše,svi osjetimo neku sreću u srcu kad tu sitnici damo osobi koju volimo(eh pogotovo još ako ta osoba da i neku sitnicu nama!)ali zar se zbilja isplati trošite te silne pare na ljubav?a gdje je nestala ona poznata "ljubav ne možeš kupiti"?????pokazalo se krivo.sada svakodnevno viđamo ljude kako potkupljuju druge ljude za određene primjer, jebiga,treba se preživit.još jedna stvar koju mrzim kod božića je onaj ogromni obiteljski ručak.obično mi hrana ne bude po guštu,pa se još i nemogu dignut od stola dok svi ne pojedu(a hvala bogu imam dosta penzića u familiji) i onda još ne smijem ni alkohol pit,jer tko zna što bi ljudi pomislili,bože sačuvaj.i na kraju dana,izvalim se doma na kauč i razmišljam o tome kako će i sljedeći božić proć isto,i onaj poslije,i onaj šta ja tu mogu.anyway,zamolila bih vas da kliknete na ovaj link koji ću sad stavit zbog toga jer se onda povećava populacija mog malog gradića=0)(i klikćite kad god stignete...jasno?)

well,no.ja vam svima želim sretan božić i novu godinu i odlučujem do prvog prvog dvije i osme ne pisat niš jer to je onda nov početak,i treba se pripremat na to.dakle,uzimam godišnji.e da,i za kraj,malo božićnog ugođaja...

my chemical romance-all I want for christmas

jep...trenutno mi je ljubav u komi...a ša mogucry

pozdrav svima...wave

e da...ova slika treba obazirite se...=0)
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24.12.2007. u 16:54
° 10 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

dear God,I've sealed my fate-running trough hell,heaven can wait...

e pa ljudi moji,it's been a veeeeery long time otkad sam ja napisala znate,uvijek ista isprila...škola!jebiga!ko ju je izmislio...vjerojatno su ga već spalili na lomači.šagod,anyway-još samo tjedan dana škole i onda NAPOKON odmora hvala onom gore ili dole neznam ni ja jer ovo je već sve TRAPAVO i BLESAVO i NENORMALNO kako ti profesori nas tretiraju...kao stoku!možete vi to zamislit! u četvrtak smo trebali pisat gramatiku,a pisali smo u petak,a ZAŠTO? JER JE NAŠA RAZREDNICA ZABORAVILA DOĆ NA SAT!!!ZAR SE ZBOG TOGA NE OTPUŠTA LJUDE???HA???anyway,tu noć sam sanjala da je moja razrednica bila otpuštena i prognana iz škole,rekoh,hura,nema je,ajmo jest makovnjaču(jer se preziva Makovec a makovnjača je kolač...get it?)...a onda pak jadni Kemo(the mighty profesor kemije) njega je neka boleština strefila prije 3 tjedna i prekjučer došo u školu,zaključio ocjene i otišo ća.zar se tako profesori ponašaju???i kažu nama da smo bezobrazni...may they ALL burn in hell!!!buahahaha!!!ok,ima jedna dobra stvar-nisamo pisali kontrolni iz kemije i cijelu smo jednu cijelinu u zaostatkuzubozubozubozuboi sve se te gluposti izdogađale,mislim,u razredu je sad neka fora SIR(????)-ša je,naravno,naš dragi Tomičić izvalio-to je sad neka fora,profa pita šta je nam,mi kažemo "sir nam je profesorice..."a mislim,ludo i balavo.ludeto,još malo pa je Božić,hm zanima me šta ću dobit,od stare vjerojatno knjigu "kako bit najbolja kćer na svijetu",od bake vjerojatno milku i pare,od tetke-hm,ona će zaboravit na mene ionako,od sestre-ovo je najbolji vic koji sam ikad čula!-od slovenske familije-nah,oni isto daju samo čokoladice-i,to je recimo to!wow,bit će to very joly christmas.jep,baš imam sreće.i uz sve to,proć ću s 4.prvi put u životu.može li situacija biti gora?????(sad će ubrzo komp zablokirat,sigurna sam...)i zbog toga da ne duljim,(NE)ČESTIT BOŽIĆ I (NE)SRETNA NOVA GODINA!!!!!wavewave

oh yeah,i obećana mračnost...
30 seconds to mars-the kill

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16.12.2007. u 19:03
° 8 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

nazaj v planinski raj...

naslov mi niš ne znači,to je jedino čeg sam se mogla sjetit...anywayz,zbog čega pišem ovaj post je-Beliy Plaschik od t.A.T.u.-a je konačno prikazan na tv-u,donosim vam video sa youtube-a!!!!pjesma je meni super,nadam se da će i vama se svidit...

Y0 risuyu chernoy kraskoy
Na stene tupoe slovo
Dlya menya ono ne vazhno
Dlya tebya ono ne novo
Dlya menya ona naprasno
Dlya tebya neobhodimo
Ya risuyu chernoy kraskoy
Ya risuyu krivo krivo

Pulya v serdce
Mozg na dvercu
Nimb i kryl'ya
Beliy Plaschik
Dushu v nebo
Slozhim v yashik
Pulya v serdce
Mozg na dvercu
Nimb i kryl'ya
Beliy Plaschik
Dushu v nebo
Slozhim v yashik

Vremya snova 20:10
My s toboy seychas ne vmeste
Ty sidish' v uglu i plachesh'
Mozhet byt' menya durachish'
Ya lyublyu tebya poslushat'
Raskryvay mne tol'ko dushu
Mysli zdes' ne prigodyatsya
Vremya snova 20:20

Pulya v serdce
Mozg na dvercu
Nimb i kryl'ya
Beliy Plaschik
Dushu v nebo
Slozhim v yashik
Pulya v serdce
Mozg na dvercu
Nimb i kryl'ya
Beliy Plaschik
Dushu v nebo
Slozhim v yashik

ekoc ljudi moji...a ja ne bih bila ja da ne stavim neku sliku...jel?ovaj put samo u YuLen čast,u sljedećem postu obećajem malo više crnila i metala,tj obćajem više sebe,jer svi koji me znaju znaju(heh dvaput zaredom) da sam ja totalni mrač wtf anyway..cheers!

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29.11.2007. u 18:38
° 14 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

This was never my world,you took the angel away,I killed myself to make everybody pay...

alo piplsi I'm back!!ko prvo,željela bih reć da sam jako ponosna na sebe zato jer mi je profa iz engleskog dala da ispravljam ispite!!!!!!(mislim,bilo je kečina al jbg ša se može)al to vam je zbilja nevjerojatan osjećaj ono u zadnjoj klupi dok drugi zijevaju ja ono sa DA MIGHTY CRVENA KEMIJSKA u ruci ispravljam ispite...i to sedmaša!!!osjećaj je zbilja nadmoćan,ko da si bog...uh...predobro...e a drugi tjedan je kobni...3 ispita plus lektira plus ispitivanje...može li bit gore?a printer mi još ne radi,kako ću ja šalabahtere radit???enivejz,nevjerojatna je činjenica kako sam ja baš NE za matematiku i fiziku zato vas molim ljudi ko je dobar za brojeve meni stvarno trebaju instrukcije ako ne namjeravam imat fiziku i matišu 2....javite se preko kometara...jer meni to stvarno očajnički ne ide....e sad,naša škola je opći kaos.zbilja.ko bi reko da je Viškovo takvo smetlište.Općina ima pare na bacanje a niš s njima ne bravo.sramotimo grad Rijeku.iako je to druga općina al Viškovo je gotovo prikrpano za Rijeku tak da je to sve isto.ugl,opći kaos.sedmaši bacaju petarde i bombardiraju cijelu školu,kontejneri su razvaljeni jer je profa iz englskog ispraznila ormar di su bili stari plakati a ravnatelj se samo bravo.i tako ljudi NE ZABORAVITE ZA INSTRUKCIJE nemojte mi preporučivat neke odrasle oću ljude moje dobi i koji me poznaju naravno.ili bar znaju tko sam.hehe. i da žive u Rijeci ili okolici.naravno,prezahtjevna jbg.ša ćete.



22.11.2007. u 11:43
° 29 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

...pogodila me...

eto tako,štafeta je i mene pogodila,gađala me Martina,a jbg,što se mora mora bez daljnjeg odužavanja,počnimo...

hm...iskrena(koliko god mogu...), svojeglava, uporna(never give up), emocijonalna(mogu plakat dan i noć ako treba),ponekad agresivna(jao si ga onome ko mene nađe zajebavat...)

-Obožavam čokoladuzubo
-Ubila bih se da nema moje sestre(koju jako jako volim)
-Pročtala sam svaku knjigu iz lektire u svom životu...
-Dnevnik je moj najbolji prijatelj...
-Moj slogan:Ne ver',ne boysia i ne prosi!(don't trust,don't fear,don't ask-t.A.Tu.)

ISTINA ILI LAŽ?Ko šta sam već rekla,vrlo sam iskrena osoba,barem do krajnjih granica koje je ponekad loše laž u stila:"jel te neko pitao danas u školi?-ne....."-to ajde može proćcool

To uopće nije pitanje,mrzim kolače,mogu jedino podnjet zaher tortu,sve drugo mi diže želudac...dakle,sladoled...fino

Motor po suncu,auto po kiš zapravo više motor,auti su preveliki,
preteški i preskupi...

Tko god je smišljao ova pitanja,nema sve daske u glavi...bang

Samo nek nisu cajke i sve će proć....

Trenutačno laptop jer je prijenosan i jer se moj vrajžji komp stalno isključuje sam od sebe i ja poludim...

Od ljubavi se ne živi...a novcem ne možeš kupit ljubav....I'll go for love, tough...

-Da se cajke na svaki mogući način zabrane i da se naplaćuje onima koji to krše...
-da se upišem u gimnaziju...
-još otprilike stotinjak želja...

ajoj teško pitanje...osobine...kao što su darežljivost,ambicioznost,svoj vlastiti stav,poštovanje drugih itd...onda...izgled igra vrlo malu ulogu...i da nisu šmel,rozo,umišljeno,prepotentno i hvalisavo stvoreje...

ako se posreći,na red carptu sa svojim kamermanom intervjuiram Ville Vala...i ostale zvijezde...da,novinarstvo je moj san...

-bez svoje sestre,ona je moje svijetlo u tami....
-bez Bojane,koja mi život znači,koja me poznaje najbolje na ovom svijetu i za koju bih svoju dušu dala...
-bez mojih dragih prijatelja koji me uvijek tješe kad mi život krene nizbrdo...
-i naravno,bez Grbe,jer,oko koga bi se mi u školi sprdali,ko bi mi izvlačio peticu iz povijesti,i tko bi mi jeo živce na svakom vrajžjem satu?Grba,naravno. (al ovo je sve bila šalabelj)


i za kraj...
t.A.T.u.-dangerous and moving....

You take it all away
But never give it back
And this is what you say
Their lives are yellow black
And this is how they move
And this is how they sway
That danger is the truth
They die and come again

Obstacles and signs
Perilous and looming
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and moving

Obstacles and signs
Perilous and looming
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and moving

No mercy for the lost
No soothing for the sad
The line is never crossed
They are the living dead

And this is how they move
And this is how they sway
That danger is the truth
They die and live again

Obstacles and signs
Perilous and looming
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and moving

Obstacles and signs
Perilous and looming
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and moving

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tko kaže da je ovo ružna slika može si slobodno zakazat termin kod psihijatra...o da i btw,ko ostavi 50 komentara stavljam ga u linkiće...ako već nije tamozubo


08.11.2007. u 18:17
° 37 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

The face inside is right beneath your skin

evo ljudi mene,napokon...zbilja,nisam imala vremena za pisat novi post jer me škola podjebavaheadbangal čujte ša mora,mora se.anyway,želila bih našem čestitat našem dragom Tomičiću koji je danas proslavio svoj dvadesetu jedinicu!!!!!živio Tomičiću!!!ponos si našeg razreda!!!!!partypartypartypartypartypartypartypartyso anyway,profesori nas totalno muče u školi,da ne spomenem Grbu koja nas ubija a ta žena nije normalna onda još i jebena profa iz fizike koja ima neke svoje zahtjeve,treba pisat "pisano malo slovo m,pa kako to pišeš,pa pogledaj to m,pa neću ti ja dat bodove za to!!!"ŽENU TREBA NA PSIHIJATRIJU POSLAT LJUDI MOJI....headbangheadbangheadbangugh...ok sutra HALLOWEEN tak da ću vam svima odma čestitat a ja sutra na tulum a nadam se i vi,SRETAN HALLOWEEN!!!!!!partypartyparty

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i za kraj...odlučih otvorit novi pojam na svom blogu...zvat će se...

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i to ti je neki fitnes....wave

30.10.2007. u 16:41
° 18 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # ° love me,but you don't know who I just let me go...

pa,ljudevi moji,dođe doba u životu jednog živog bića,doduše,jedno vrlo važno doba,a to doba kaže da se treba napisati novi post.zubozuboa kako sam trenutačno vrlo neinspirirana,a neš moram napisat,mislim da bum samo stavila neke slikice glupe od kojih se ja valjam po podu od,ja.mouthwash

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hehe...roflroflrofl...kako neam niš više pametnog za reć,pređimo(ili prijeđimo?)na pozdrave...pozdrav,ahem..:martini,tonki,stefy,toljici,marini p,martini junior(ilitiga katarini),bojani,dani,fićotu,,ines,lei,wendy,banani,eni,marini,tomičiću,dokiju,te klanjicama sa seminara-niki,bibi,kate i romini...wave

14.10.2007. u 14:40
° 22 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

time rolls on...

hey ljudovi znam da sam neki dan pisala post l neda mi se čekat a dosadno mi je pa moram nešto pisat.stavit ću riječi od jedne pjesme(koja vam svira,tamo u desnom boxu je)inače,pjemsa mi je super,al kritike ipak prepuštam vama.

the offspring-can't repeat

I woke the other day
And saw my world has changed
The past is over but tomorrow‘s wishful thinking
I can‘t hold onto what‘s been done
I can‘t grab onto what‘s to come
And I‘m just wishing I could stop, but

Life goes on
Come of age
Can‘t hold on
Turn the page

Time rolls on
Wipe these eyes
Yesterday laughs
Tomorrow cries

Memories are bittersweet
The good times we can‘t repeat
Those days are gone and we can never get them back
Now we must move ahead
Despite our fear and dread
We‘re all just wishing we could stop, but

Life goes on
Come of age
Can‘t hold on
Turn the page

Time rolls on
Wipe your eyes
Yesterday laughs
Tomorrow cries

With all our joys and fears
Wrapped in forgotten years
The past is laughing as today just slips away
Time tears down what we‘ve made
And sets another stage
And I‘m just wishing we could stop

Life goes on
Come of age
Can‘t hold on
Turn the page

Time rolls on
Wipe these eyes
Yesterday laughs
Tomorrow cries

Time rolls on

well,nadam se da vam se sviđa.a kome to "vama" kad nitko ne komentira,hm.evo,još da napišem jednu besmislenu pričicu...

Ovo je priča o četvero ljudi.

Oni su se zvali Svatko, Netko,Bilotko i Nitko.Trebalo je obaviti neki važan posao i svatko je mislio da će to netko drugi učiniti.Mogao je to učiniti bilo tko,no nije nitko.Netko se zbog toga razljutio jer je tvrdio da je to Svatkov posao.Ni Nitko nije shvatio da Svatko to neće napraviti.A Svatko je mislio da će to napraviti Bilotko.Na kraju je svatko bacao krivnju na svakoga jer nitko nije napravio ono što je mogao svatko od njih,ili bilo tko drugi.Nedostajalo im je samo dobre volje.Tako su najveću štetu nanijeli sebi.

Ta priča me podsjeća na onu o dva ovna na brvu,ali i na neke slične situacije.A tebe?

e pa ja nisam niš skužila.a vi?

28.09.2007. u 21:27
° 1 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

take a look at the world around you...can you see the life you're living?

hay people I'm back!neće bit dugačak post,zato jer je sad točno 21 i 20 i umorna sam jer svaki jebeni dan imam 6-7 sati u školimadmadmada nemogu ni spavat kad imam školu popodne jer treba učit...namcorso anyway,profesori nas muče ko stoku,pogotovo naša razrednica sa njezinom lektirom,mislim ja gledam u sestrinu staru bilježnicu za lektiru kad je ona bila 7. razred a ono pitanja istu stvar san naletila i kod drugih ljudova koji su mi posudili svoje stare bilježnice iz lektire a ono pitanja za prvi šta se to meni čini ilija imam najgoru profu iz hrvatskog na kugli zemaljskoj?i šta je najbolje,ove godine je dobila i D razred,koji je prije imao Žalosnu(zapravo zove se Radosna know the thing.)dakle sad ima A,B,D razred od sedmih i A i B(ja mislim) razred od osmih.i onda ona tim Dekonjama popušta ko da su joj djeca.a mi svi normalno koju foru ljudovi koji su lani imali 3 iz hrvatskog odjednom pune guzice petacima?madmadmadmadi tako nas muči,mi ono eko dežurni(ludludlud) i ona nas zbilja tjera da kupimo smeće po dvorištu i oko škole.burninmadburninmadi šta je najbolje,očekuje da to stvarno i napravimo.ludludludbangdok drugi razredi to ne rade.damn.i onda se ona nama žali kako je ona umorna,al pazi sad ovo-radi u međusmjeni-dakle,dođe u školu u 10,otiđe u 3 i žali se kako je wtf?pa neke profe imaju cijelu školu!!!npr,grba(profa iz pov) ima cijelu školu.dakle,sve razrede od 5-8.i ne žali se.centrifuga(profa iz matiše) dođe u školu u 8,otiđe u 7 navečer i ne žali se.androševićka(profa iz teh) dođe oko 9 u školu i otiđe u 5 i ne žali se.???????????
na osnovu čega bi se naša raska onda trebala tužit da je umorna????bangbangbangbangso anywy,dosta s školom.vrijeme za matejnu...!!!!!ajme al je bilo dobro.nismo se napili,nit napušili,jer nismo vidjeli smisao u tome(ok,barem većina nas-tomo se ipak i napio i napušio)al zato-bio je jebeni Neno Belan u šatoru(live!!!) tak da smo plesali i pjevali ko manijaci!!!veliko iznenađenje-PAVLOVIĆKA SE IZRIGALA!!!!najotmjenija,najšminkerasta,najfensi-šmensi,naj bez-ljage-na-imenu akavica se IZRIGALA!!!!kako???cura je bila pijana!!!cura se jebeno napila!!!!no,eto ti sad ljage na imenuzubocoolroflpartyonda,morala sam plaćat vožnju na twisteru ovim ludama jer su spiskale zadnje pare na ćevape...roflroflnjaminjamianyway,bilo nam je super i jedva čekamo Belu Nedeju da to ponovimo!!!!partypartypartyparty

P.S.kupila sam novi album od HIM-a!!!!partypartypartypartyparty

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oh yeah,izašo ovaj dvd od t.A.T.u.-a-TRUTH live in st. petersburg(mislim da se zasada može kupit samo u japanu il tako neš,al naslovnica je ispala prejebeno dobra!!!)

25.09.2007. u 21:19
° 1 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °



Nalik su kristalu,
samo rosa.

Hode tajanstvene,
pune uspomene.
Plove nesigurne:
brodovi ili cijelovi,
bibaju vode.

Tkane su do svijetla,
a noć su.
Čak blijede,
podsjećaju još na zelene rajeve.

Tko ih sluša?Tko
ih sabire tako
u njihove čiste školjke?

-Eugenio de Andrade-

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možda je u pravu... ponekad riječi mogu više posjeći od mača...mislim da to svi dobro znate...

19.09.2007. u 14:47
° 4 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °


halo ljudi!!!!evo mene opet!!!ovaj put se javljam sa vjestima iz škole (manje više)...prva velika vijest-OD 20. POČNE MATEJNA!!!!!!!!partypartypartypartypartypartypartypartypartypartyza sve one koji neznaju šta je to,Matejna je u Viškovu ko Bela nedeja u Kastvu.ako pak neznate ni šta je to,onda ste totalni zajeb,al ugl,to je kao neki gradski blagdan na kojem bude puuuuno partypartyparty,puuuunosmokinsmokinsmokin i budu koncerti,lunaparki,štandevi sa svim i svačim,i naravno party cijeli dan i noć!!!!!so anyway,moja ekipa i ja idemo drugu subotu i bit će LUUUUUDO(pogotovo kad s nama idu srednjašinaughtynaughtycerekcerek)dakle,kako to ide kod nas?pa dobiješ para ko u priči od roditelja i cijele porodice,onda to trošiš na svakakve gluposti a drugi dan ideš polu-trijezan sa starcima "malo prošetat" i trošiš njihove pare na robu!!!!dakle kako god okreneš-ide nama u korist!!!partypartypartyZA SVE KOJE ČITAJU A POZNAJU ME-SVI STE POZVANI!!!BAS JE 19,20,21(TO VAM JE DRUGA ZONA)I SIĐETE NA SEDMOJ ILI OSMOJ STANICI POSLIJE OKRETIŠTA KOD PEHLINA I PROHODATE CIJELO VIŠKOVO!!!I ZABAVITE SE,MOŽDA SE SRETNEMO!!!dobro,dosta sad s Matejnom,pređimo na školu!sedmi razred je tako zakon!svaki dan nas puste zadnji sat ća jer profe idu na seminare i raska nam krivo kaže raspored a ako mislite da je to u svakom razredu,e nije.da smo peti razredi bi nam bez problema našli,najstariji smo u smjeni tako da se ludiramo,zajebavamo one male balavce iz petog razreda,razbijamo prozore(zapravo,samo smo sknuli jednog u učionici iz engleskog),strašimo profe,ludiramo se po hodnicima i tehnički,samo se zabavljamo!partypartysmokinsmokinša je još novo,stvarno neznam,dopisat ću ako se sjetim! i za kraj,naravno,pjesma!!!
the offspring-all I want

Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya

Day after day your home life's a wreck
The powers that be just breathe down your neck
You get no respect
You get no relief
You gotta speak up
And yell out your piece

So back off your rules
Back off your jive
Cause I'm sick of not living to stay alive
Leave me alone
Not asking a lot
I don't wanna to be controlled

That's all I want
That's all I want
That's all I want
That's all I want

Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya

How many times is it gonna take
Till someone around you hears what you say
You've tried being cool
You feel like a lie
You've played by their rules
Now it's their turn to try

So back off your rules
Back off your jive
Cause I'm sick of not living to stay alive
Leave me alone
Not asking a lot
I just don't wanna to be controlled

That's all I want
That's all I want
That's all I want
That's all I want

I said it before
I'll say it again
If you could just listen then it might make sense

So back off your rules
Back off your jive
Cause I'm sick of not living to stay alive
Leave me alone
Not asking a lot
Just don't wanna to be controlled

That's all I want
That's all I want
That's all I want

Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya

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13.09.2007. u 18:30
° 2 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °


ovaj put su na repertoaru samo loše da počnemo...
prvo:POČELA JE ŠKOLA!!!!!headbangheadbangheadbangheadbangmadmadmadburninmadburninmadburninmadburninmadpuknucupuknucupuknucu
UŽAS I STRAVA!!!!SEDMI RAZRED!!!STRAŠNO!!!!naravno,odmah prvi dan me je moja jebeno glupa razrednica raspizdila kad je cijeli sat objašnjavala kako trebamo umotat knjige..."pazite djeco,prvo trebate knjige umotati u ukrasni papir,po mogućnosti na cvijetiće,onda stavite naljepnicu s imenom,al mora vaše ime pisati čitko da ga može i ćoravo djete pročitat!e onda tek stavite omot za knjige,koji ćete kupiti u knjižari,ako još niste,a znam da niste,i lijepo ih uredno staviti na bilježnice!i naravno,morate paziti da vam knjige i bilježnice ne dobiju uši,to jako ružno i neuredno izgleda!i ako ne omotate knjige,morati ćete ih platiti!!!" headbangheadbangheadbangmrzim ju mrzim ju MRZIM JU!!!a znate kolko dođu omoti za knjige???JEBENE 54 KUNE!!!!ti ljudi nisu normalni!!!!UŽAS!!!!onda svi jebei inicijalni testovi koji mi samo zagorčavaju život!!!plus,3 nova predmeta!!!!kemo je tako jeziv..."ako budete galamili,morati ću vas udaviti...." onda ona luda štriga koja nas tjera da računamo brzinu puža po listu blitve,a ja stvarno ne kužim čemu to,i naravno za nju "sve ima svoj puls" i maše tako rukom u ritmu pulsa cijeli sat...i zadnja,jagodica bobica,profa iz biologije,koju još nismo upoznali,al čovječe ženska je tako sitna da imaš osjećaj da možeš stat na nju!!!partyi onaj njezin naglasak "kod lučkeeeeeeeee kapetanijeeeeeeeee"...čovječe di si ti učila književni jezik...headbang

i druga meni jako potresna i užasna i tužna vijest...
t:A.T.u. SE RASPADA!!!!!!crycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycrycry KAKO????ZAŠTO?????ZBOG ČEGA?????BUHUUUUUUUU....ako sam dobro skužila,Yulia,koja je btw u 6. mjesecu trudnoće, odlazi u ameriku napravit solo karijeru!!!!zašto?zato jer je Lena prije nekoliko godina napravila svoj solo album sa svojim ocem i to prešutila Yuliji...i sad kad je Yulia saznala,uzvraća udarac...iako druge godine izlazi njihov film "finding t.A.T.u." i novi album "waste management",izgleda da je došlo i do te točke kad čak ni njihova ljubav nije mogla preć preko toga....a sad se postavlja pitanje,da li su se Lena i Yulia ikad voljele?sve te pjesme,svi ti aktovi su pokazali da su se očito voljele,ali nitko nikad zapravo nije znao istinu...crycrycryi tako,možda u daljnjem žvotu nećemu slušati t.A.T.u nego t.A. i T.u.....zato ću sada stavit njihovu najbolju i najpoznatiju pjesmu ikad po kojoj ćemo ih svi pamtiti kao ruski duo-t.A.T.u...

t.A.T.u.-all the things she said

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)
This is not enough

I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lost
If I'm asking for help it's only because
Being with you has opened my eyes
Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise?

I keep asking myself, wondering how
I keep closing my eyes but I can't block you out
Wanna fly to a place where it's just you and me
Nobody else so we can be free
Nobody else so we can be free

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
(All the things she said)
This is not enough
Ya Soshla S Uma - Ma!
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said

And I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed
They say it's my fault but I want her so much
Wanna fly her away where the sun and rain
Come in over my face, wash away all the shame
When they stop and stare - don't worry me
'Cause I'm feeling for her what she's feeling for me
I can try to pretend, I can try to forget
But it's driving me mad, going out of my head

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
This is not enough
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said, she said
All the things she said
All the things she said

Mother looking at me
Tell me what do you see?
Yes, I've lost my mind

Daddy looking at me
Will I ever be free?
Have I crossed the line?

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
This is not enough
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said.

i još par slikica po mom izboru..

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...i Lena...

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08.09.2007. u 10:27
° 12 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

...ispod mog kišobrana ana ana a a a a jbmti ambrelu....

evo jedne priče...kao što vidite,sad ništa ne vidite,a zašto ne vidite to ćete sad vidjeti.a uzimajući svaki obzirni obzir u obzir ovaj obzir ne dolazi u obzir.hahaha,šalim se,treba malo humora sad dok smo mladi jer kad budemo osamdesetogodišnji penzići će nam zubne proteze popadat van kad se budemo počeli smijat.a kažu da je smijeh lijek.mislim stvarno.anyway,kad smo već kod humora,i "pozitivnog ja",svi znate da ja mrzim i Fergie,i Britney Spears,da ne spominjem Rihannu.e sad,mislim da svi znate kako je ona Rhannina "umbrella" svjetso-svemirski poznata(čak mi je i prijatelji s marsa pjevaju,ČAK i oni),a istotako znate da ja "umbrelu mrzim.e sad,na neko čudo,ja sam tu ambrelu zavoljela,a kako i ne bih kad ju je legendarni,veličanstveni,nezamjenjivi frontmen grupe My Chemical Romance(koju,btw,obožavam) ilitiga Gerard Way otpjevao na jednom od njihovih koncerta.e onda se stvarno ne čudim zašto sam je zavoljelazubo

predobro,čim se radi o legendarnom,nezamjenjivom,predobrom,presavršenom,prezakon,my-najveći-pjevački-idol-uz-ville-vala-om,njegovo mu visočanstvo,Gerard je bilo sve za danas,čitajte me i dalje-moram se ić javit doktoru Dani-diplomiranom psihopatu-mo osobnom doktoru i psihoterapeutu da mi očita sljedećeg puta ljudi-andr maj ambrela ela ela e e e...njah...

31.08.2007. u 22:08
° 19 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

ooooooooo zadavi mi pile,šibni mi prase!!!

evo mene ljudi,vraćam se u punom sjaju pozitivnosti!!! ovaj post će bit malo smiješniji nego obično jer ću pisat,tj kopirat svakakve gluposti s tuđih blogova i neta koje sam našla...dobar smijeh!!!roflroflrofl

1.pratite ih svugdje po kući
2.zamučite svaki put kada izgovore vaše ime
3.pravite se da imate amneziju
4.pričajte unatrag
5.zabijajte se u zidove
6.kažite im da se nošenje odjeće protivi našoj vjeri
7.upadnite im u sobu u 4 sata ujutro i kažite:"Dobro jutro,sunašce"
8.zarokčite svaki put kad se smijete,a onda se nasmijte još jače
9.govorite sve riječi iz filma
10.izčupajte im pramen kose i zavičite,DNA!!!!
11.nosite naljepnicu:"I´m a retard!"
12.pričajte sa olovkom
13.imate 20 zamišljenih prijatelja i pričajte s njima cijelo vrijeme
14.pokušavajte se popeti na zidove
15.vičite u javnosti:"Ne mama,neću te opljačkati!!"
16.zabijte si kolce u oči
17.neko vrijeme palite i gasite svijetlo,a onda kažite:"aha...sad kužim!!!!!"
18.jedite kosu
19.primite ih za ruku i prošapčite "I see dead people!"
20.dok se tuširate ili kupate vičite:"davim se!!!!" sve što vam kažu,uzvratite "lažljivče!!!"
22.pravite se da ste telefon
23.pokušavajte plivati po podu
24.kucajte im na vrata cijele noći
25.kada kažu riječ iz pjesme koju znate,počnite je pjevati....
26.Gledajte ih dugo i onda recite:,,I ti si jedan od njih!''

malo garfield-gluposti...

"Dosadno mi je, dosadno, dosadno. Moram nekako oživjeti ovaj tjedan. To je to! Osvetnik s plaštom se vratio!"
"Ah, rano je jutro za osvetnika s plaštom. Osvetnik s plaštom koji traži zlo gdje god ono vreba. Kasno jutarnje zlo, naime."
"Osvetnik s plaštom traži hranu! Da bi se borio protiv zla, osvetniku s plaštom treba hrana za snagu. Jako, jako mnogo snage!"
"Aha! Osvetnik s plaštom ugledao je nepravdu." Veliki mačak tuče malog mačića. Osvetnik s plaštom baca malog mačića.
Garfield: Gubi se nasilniče!
"Osvetnik s plaštom je ugledao zlu osobu koju mora uništiti u ime dobra, jer osvetnik s plaštom nije kukavica." Ta zla osoba je Jon Arbuckle. "Osvetnik s plaštom nije ni budala."
"Osvetnik s plaštom će sad poletjeti dolje i uništiti zlog poštara." Osvetnik s plaštom je poletio dolje, ali je promašio zlog poštara. "Mislim da je osvetnik s plaštom počeo vjerovati vlastitim izjavama za tisak."
"Osvetnik s plaštom sada će koraknuti van da se bori sa zlom." Osvetnik s plaštom otvara vrata i ugleda velikog zlog mačka. "Osvetnik s plaštom sada će ući unutra i objaviti da se povlači."
Jon: Uh-oh! Bježi u zaklon, Odie!
Dolazi Osvetnik s plaštom.
Garfield: Mjesta za Osvetnika s plaštom!
Osvetnik s plaštom baca Odieja.
Jon: Garfielda je opet uhvatilo ludilo.
"Osvetnik s plaštom traži zlo, ma gdje god ono vrebalo!" Osvetnik s plaštom otvara vrata. "Dok god to nije na mračnim i zastrašujućim mjestima!"
"Osvetnik s plaštom će sada napasti svog starog neprijatelja." Osvetnik s plaštom je promašio svog starog neprijatelja Odieja. "Osvetnik s plaštom zaboravio je uračunati skretanje zbog vjetra."
"Pazi se smrtniče! Ta hrana mogla bi biti otrovana! Osvetnik s plaštom će je kušati umjesto tebe!" Osvetnik s plaštom je pojeo hranu. "U redu je (burp) može se jesti."
"Osvetnik s plaštom zastaje da opere svoj plašt." Njegov plašt se smanjio. "Osvetnik s maramicom kreće dalje."


40 stvari koje treba raditi u liftu

1. Pravite zvuke trkackog automobila svaki put kad neko udje ili izadje.
2. Izduvajte nos i pokazite sadrzaj vase maramice drugim putnicima.
3. Pravite bolne grimase dok se udarate po glavi mumlajuci: "umuknite, bre, nervirate me svi vi, umuknite!"
4. Zvizducite prvu strofu "Hej Sloveni" neprestano.
6. Prodajte Smoki i Chipsy.
6. Pri duzoj voznji, njisite se levo i desno prateci njihanje lifta.
7. Brijte se.
8. Otvorite svoju aktovku ili tasnu, i dok virite unutra pitajte: "Imate li dovoljno vazduha unutra?"
9. Ponudite kartice sa imenom svima koji udju u lift. Svoju zakacite naopacke.
10. Stojte mirno i opusteno u uglu, okrenuti ka zidu.
11. Kada lift dodje do vaseg sprata, grokcite naprezuci se da otvorite vrata na silu, a onda izgledajte zbunjeno kad se sama otvore.
12. Naslonite se na drugog putnika i sapnite mu: "dolazi milicija!"
13. Pozdravite svakog ko ulazi u lift snaznim stiskom ruke i predstavite se kao general u penziji.
14. Povracajte!
15. Na najvisem spratu, drzite vrata otvorena i zahtevajte da ostanu otvorena sve dok ne cujete da dinar koji ste ispustili udari o dno.
16. Vezbajte jogu.
17. Buljite u drugog putnika jedno vreme, a onda se proderite: "Imam nove carape na nogama!"
18. Kada lift bude pun, promrmljajte otpozadi: "Oh, ne sad, prokleta morska bolest!"
19. Saopstite religijske cinjenice svakom putniku.
20. Mjaucite neprestano.
21. Kladite se sa drugim putnicima da mozete da stavite dinar u nos.
22. Namrstite se i mumljajte: "Moram u WC, moram u WgWC" a onda uzdahnite i recite "ups!"
23. Pokazite drugim putnicima svoju ranu na ruci i pitajte da li izgleda inficirano.
24. Pevusite "Mary had a little lamb" neprestano pritiskajuci dugmice.
25. Vicite "Cuvaaaaaj!" svaki put kad lift krene na dole.
26. Setajte se sa ventilatorom na kome pise "ljudska glava".
27. Buljite u drugog putnika jedno vreme, onda mu recite "Vi ste jedan od NJIH!" i pomerite se u suprotan ugao lifta.
28. Podrignite i recite "mmmmmm... ukusno!"
29. Stavite kutiju izmedju vrata.
30. Pitajte svakog putnika koji udje u lift da li mozete da pritisnete dugme umesto njega.
31. Nosite plisanog medveda sa sobom i obracajte se drugim putnicima "preko" njega.
32. Pevajte.
33. Kad se lift ne cuje, okrenite se oko sebe i pitajte: "Ciji je to mobilni?"
34. Svirajte harmoniku.
35. Pravite senke na zidovima.
36. Govorite "ding!" na svakom spratu.
37. Naslonite se na dugmice.
38. Recite "Bas me zanima za sta sluzi ovo..." i pritisnite STOP ili ALARM dugme.
39. Slusajte lift sa stetoskopom.
40. Nacrtajte mali kvadrat na podu i recite svima da je to vas "licni prostor".

e pa mislim da je to dosta smijha za danas.ako netko ima ili zna neku stranicu sa takvim glupostima,nek mijavi.i za kraj,ne bih bila ja da ne stavim neki video.pošto sam,kako Fićo kaže,Himara, stavit ću jednu pjesmu s novog albuma grupe HIM koji će se zvat Venus Doom a izlazi potkraj rujna...wavewavewave je preeeedobar...cerekcerekcerekcerekcerek

27.08.2007. u 15:50
° 36 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

evo me opet...

evo ljudi moji,sad sam na novoj adresi jer mi sešto zajebalo na starom blogucrycrynocryugl,namučit ću se prije nego šta sve nadoknadimpuknucupuknucual ajde...sredit će sad...nagledajte se spoova od t.A.T.u....wave

...zakon pjesma...t.A.T.u!!!

tatu-30 minutes

Out of sight
Out of mind
Out of time
To decide

Do we run?
Should I hide?
For the rest
Of my life

Can we fly?
Do I stay?
We could lose
We could fail

In the moment
It takes
To make plans
Or mistakes

Thirty minutes, a blink of an eye
Thirty minutes to alter our lives
Thirty minutes to make up my mind
Thirty minutes to finally decide

Thirty minutes to whisper your name
Thirty minutes to shoulder the blame
Thirty minutes of bliss, thirty lies
Thirty minutes to finally decide

In the sky
That we shape
With our eyes

Under shade
Casting shame
Crying rain

Can we fly?
Do I stay?
We could lose
We could fail
Either way

Options change
Chances fail
Trains derail

Thirty minutes, a blink of an eye
Thirty minutes to alter our lives
Thirty minutes to make up my mind
Thirty minutes to finally decide
Thirty minutes to whisper your name

Thirty minutes to shoulder the blame
Thirty minutes of bliss, thirty lies
Thirty minutes to finally decide

To decide
To decide, to decide, to decide

To decide
To decide, to decide, to decide

e,da i evo slika ovogodišnje poletne...

i još malo slika sa prošlogodišnje poletne...nije puno,al bit će dosta...


i malo slikica od RHCP-a za moju najdražu Bojanu...izvoliš=)

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24.08.2007. u 14:41
° 7 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

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ma luda mala...ZIHERICA!!!
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rock osmašica
martina #2

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još neke stranice koje rado posjećujem...

in pieces-linkin park

Telling me to go,
But hands beg me to stay.
Your lips say that you love,
Your eyes say that you hate.

There's truth in your lies,
Doubt in your faith.
What you build you lay to waste.
There's truth in your lies,
Doubt in your faith.
All I've got's what you didn't take.

So I, I won't be the one,
Be the one to leave this,
In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,
Alone with all your secrets,
And regrets.
Don't lie.

You promise me the sky,
Then toss me like a stone.
You wrap me in your arms,
And chill me to the bone.

There's truth in your lies,
Doubt in your faith.
All I've got's what you didn't take.

So I, I won't be the one,
Be the one to leave this,
In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,
Alone with all your secrets,
And regrets.
Don't lie.

So I, I won't be the one,
Be the one to leave this,
In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,
Alone with all your secrets,
And regrets.
Don't lie.
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linkin park-easier to run

It’s easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb
It’s so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone

Something has been taken
From deep inside of me
A secret I’ve kept locked away
No one can ever see
Wounds so deep they never show
They never go away
Like moving pictures in my head
For years and years they’ve played

If I could change I would
Take back the pain I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made I would
If I could take all the shame to the grave I would

Sometimes I remember
The darkness of my past
Bringing back these memories
I wish I didn’t have
Sometimes I think of letting go
And never looking back
And never moving forward so
There would never bee a past

Just washing it aside
All of the helplessness inside
Pretending I don’t feel misplaced
Is so much simpler than change

It’s easier to run replacing this pain with something numb
It’s so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone
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Linkin Park - By Myself

What do I do to ignore them behind me?
Do I follow my instincts blindly?
Do I hide my pride from these bad dreams
And give in to sad thoughts that are maddening?
Do I sit here and try to stand it?
Or do I try to catch them red-handed?
Do I trust some and get fooled by phoniness,
Or do I trust nobody and live in loneliness?
Because I can't hold on when I'm stretched so thin
I make the right moves but I'm lost within
I put on my daily façade but then
I just end up getting hurt again
By myself (Myself)
I ask why, but in my mind
I find I can't rely on myself
I can't hold on
To what I want when I'm stretched so thin
It's all too much to take in
I can't hold on
To anything watching everything spin
With thoughts of failure sinking in
If I turn my back I'm defenseless
And to go blindly seems senseless
If I hide my pride and let it all go on
Then they'll take from me 'till everything is gone
If I let them go I'll be outdone
But if I try to catch them I'll be outrun
If I'm killed by the questions like a cancer
Then I'll be buried in the silence of the answer
(By myself)
How do you think I've lost so much
I'm so afraid, I'm out of touch
How do you expect I will know what to do
When all I know is what you tell me to
Don't you know
I can't tell you how to make it go
No matter what I do, how hard I try
I can't seem to convince myself why
I'm stuck on the outside
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tatu-friend or foe
Is it too late?
Nothing to salvage
You look away
Clear of the damage
The meaning to
Our words of love
Has disappeared

We used to love one another
Give to each other
Lie undercover so
Are you friend or foe?

Love one another
Live for each other
So, are you friend or foe?
'Cause I used to know

The promises
Hollow concessions
An innocent
Show of affection
I touch your hand
A hologram
Are you still there?

We used to love one another
Give to each other
Lie undercover so

Are you friend or foe?

Love one another
Live for each other
So, are you friend or foe?
'Cause I used to know

We used to
We used to
We used to
We used to, used to

Is it too late?
Nothing to salvage
You look away
Clear of the damage
The meaning to
Our words of love
Has disappeared

We used to love one another
Give to each other
Lie undercover so
Are you friend or foe?

Love one another
Live for each other
So are you friend or foe?
'Cause I used to know
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ova pjesma je posebno za jednu osobu...
Westlife - Soledad

If only you could see the tears in the world you left behind
If only you could heal my heart just one more time
Even when I close my eyes
There's an image of your face
And once again I come I'll realise
You're a loss I can't replace

It's a keeping for the lonely
Since the day that you were gone
Why did you leave me
In my heart you were the only
And your memory live on
Why did you leave me

Walking down the streets of Nothingville
Where our love was young and free
Can't believe just what an empty place
It has come to be
I would give my life away
If it could only be the same
Cause I can't still the voice inside of me
That is calling out your name

It's a keeping for the lonely
Since the day that you were gone
Why did you leave me
In my heart you were the only
And your memory live on
Why did you leave me

Time will never change the things you told me
After all we're meant to be love will bring us back to you and me
If only you could see

It's a keeping for the lonely
Since the day that you were gone
Why did you leave me
In my heart you were the only
And your memory live on
Why did you leave me
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apocalyptica feat mathias sawyer-hope

Hope is beauty,
at her feet, the world,
A million flashes,
a million smiles
and on the catwalk
she flaunts her style
But in this heart of darkness
our hope lies lost and torn
all fame like love is fleeting
when there´s no hope anymore
Pain and glory
hand in hand
a sacrifice
the highest price
Like the poison in her arm
like a wisper, she was gone
like when angels fall
And in this heart of darkness
our hope lies on the floor
all love like fame is fleeting
when there`s no hope anymore
Like a poison in her arm
like a wisper, she was gone
like an angel
angels fall
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Eyes are feeling heavy but they never seem to close
The fan blades on the ceiling spin but the air is never cold
And even though you're next to me I still feel so alone
I just can't give you anything for you to call your own

And I can feel you breathing
And it's keeping me awake
Can you feel it beating?
My heart's sinking like a weight

Something I've been keeping locked away behind my lips
I can feel it breaking free with each and every kiss
I couldn't bear to hurt you but it's all so different now
Things that I was sure of they have filled me up with doubt

And I can feel you breathing
And it's keeping me awake
Can you feel it beating?
My heart's sinking like a weight
I can feel you breathing (your breathing)
It's keeping (keeping) me awake
Could you stop my heart? It's always beating (its beating)
Sinking (sinking) like a weight

How am I supposed to feel about the things I've done?
I don't know if I should stay or turn around and run
I know that I hurt you things will never be the same
The only love I ever knew I threw it all away

And I can feel you breathing
And it's keeping me awake
Can you feel it beating?
My heart's sinking like a weight
I can feel you breathing (your breathing)
It's keeping (keeping) me awake
Could you stop my heart? It's always beating (its beating)
Sinking (sinking) like a weight
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t.A.T.u.-All The Things She Said

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)
This is not enough

I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lost
If I'm asking for help it's only because
Being with you has opened my eyes
Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise?

I keep asking myself, wondering how
I keep closing my eyes but I can't block you out
Wanna fly to a place where it's just you and me
Nobody else so we can be free
Nobody else so we can be free

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
(All the things she said)
This is not enough
Ya Soshla S Uma - Ma!
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said

And I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed
They say it's my fault but I want her so much
Wanna fly her away where the sun and rain
Come in over my face, wash away all the shame
When they stop and stare - don't worry me
'Cause I'm feeling for her what she's feeling for me
I can try to pretend, I can try to forget
But it's driving me mad, going out of my head

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
This is not enough
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said, she said
All the things she said
All the things she said

Mother looking at me
Tell me what do you see?
Yes, I've lost my mind

Daddy looking at me
Will I ever be free?
Have I crossed the line?

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
This is not enough
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said.
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metallica-sad but true

Hey I’m your life
I’m the one who takes you there
Hey I’m your life
I’m the one who cares
They, They betray
I’m your only true friend now
They, They’ll betray
I’m forever there

I’m your dream, make you real
I’m your eyes when you must steal
I’m your pain when you can’t feel
Sad but true

I’m your dream, mind astray
I’m your eyes while you’re away
I’m your pain while you repay
You know it’s sad but true, sad but true

You, You’re my mask
You’re my cover, my shelter
You, You’re my mask
You’re the one who’s blamed
Do, Do my work
Do my dirty work, scapegoat
Do, Do my deeds
For you’re the one who’s shamed

I’m your dream, make you real
I’m your eyes when you must steal
I’m your pain when you can’t feel
Sad but true

I’m your dream, mind astray
I’m your eyes while you’re away
I’m your pain while you repay
You know it’s sad but true,sad but true

I'm your dreams,
I'm your eyes,
I'm your pain

I'm your dreams,I'm your dreams
I'm your eyes,I'm your eyes
I'm your pain,I'm your pain
You know it’s sad but true

Hate, I’m your hate
I’m your hate when you want love
Pay, Pay the price
Pay for nothing’s fair

Hey, I’m your life
I’m the one who took you there
Hey, I’m your life
And I no longer care

I’m your dream, make you real
I’m your eyes when you must steal
I’m your pain when you can’t feel
Sad but true

I’m your truth, telling lies
I’m your reasoned alibis
I’m inside open your eyes
I’m you

Sad but true
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metallica-the unforgiven

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man strugggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What i've felt
What i've known
Never shined through in what i've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been
What i've felt
What i've known
Never shined through in what i've shown
Never free
Never me
So i dub thee UNFORGIVEN

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please then all
This bitter man he is
Throughout his life the same
He's battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me

You labeled me
I'll label you
So i dub thee UNFORGIVEN
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all the american rejects-Top Of The World"

Is there anybody out there?
That wakes up with a bitter taste?
It’s a king that we put up there
And he's a short way to fall from grace
It's slowly falling upward.
You can step but you have no ground.
I hear it from the lost words.
They say its time that you lost your crown.

Don’t be so greedy. (Don't be...)
A dollar's a penny to you
When hearts are beating
Say what you want 'em to do.
Wasting away... I see you.
When the top of the world falls on you
Finally a day, don’t wanna be you.
When the top of the world falls on you

Is there anybody up there?
That can see what a man can change?
It’s better that you don’t care
Because he knows that he's in his state
I feel the paranoia
When there’s a time, put you in your place
In the eyes of those who watch'ya
Well they can wait 'til you hit your face

Don’t be so greedy. (Don't be...)
A dollar's a penny to you
When hearts are beating
Say what you want 'em to do.
Wasting away... I see you.
When the top of the world falls on you
Finally a day, don’t wanna be you.
When the top of the world falls on you

Paint yourself a picture
When you waste another picture
And you win, and you win, and you win
Paint yourself a picture
And then you break another picture
And you win, and you win, and you win
And you win, yeah you win, and you win

Don’t be so greedy (Don't be...)
A dollar’s a penny to you
When hearts stop beating
Say what you what 'em to do
Wasting away... I see you
When the top of the world falls on you
Finding a day, don’t wanna be you
When the top of the world falls on you
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papa roach-scars

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And my scars remind me that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel

Drunk and I'm feeling down
And I just wanna be alone
I'm pissed cause you came around
Why don't you just go home
Cause you channel all your pain
And I can't help you fix yourself
You're making me insane
All I can say is

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And our scars remind us that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel

I tried to help you once
Against my own advice
I saw you going down
But you never realized
That you're drowning in the water
So I offered you my hand
Compassion is in my nature
Tonight is our last stand

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And our scars remind us that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel

I'm drunk and I'm feeling down
And I just wanna be alone
You shouldn't ever come around
Why don't you just go home?
Cause you're drowning in the water
And I tried to grab your hand
And I left my heart open
But you didn't understand
(But you didn't understand)
Go fix yourself

I can't help you fix yourself
But at least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
I can't help you fix yourself
But at least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And our scars remind us that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And our scars remind us that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel
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Her Feelings She Hides.
Her Dreams She Can't Find.
She's Losing Her Mind.
She's Falling Behind.
She Can't Find Her Place.
She's Losing Her Faith.
She's Fallen From Grace.
She's All Over The Place.

linkin park-papercut

Why does it feel like night today?
Something in here's not right today.
Why am I so uptight today?
Paranoia's all I got left
I don't know what stressed me first
Or how the pressure was fed
But I know just what it feels like
To have a voice in the back of my head
It's like a face that I hold inside
A face that awakes when I close my eyes
A face watches every time I lie
A face that laughs every time I fall
(And watches everything)
So I know that when it's time to sink or swim
That the face inside is hearing me
Right underneath my skin

It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back
It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin

I know I've got a face in me
Points out all my mistakes to me
You've got a face on the inside too and
Your paranoia's probably worse
I don't know what set me off first but I know what I can't stand
Everybody acts like the fact of the matter is
I can't add up to what you can but
Everybody has a face that they hold inside
A face that awakes when I close my eyes
A face watches every time they lie
A face that laughs every time they fall
(And watches everything)
So you know that when it's time to sink or swim
That the face inside is watching you too
Right inside your skin

The face inside is right beneath your skin

The sun goes down
I feel the light betray me
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The Fantasy -30 Seconds To Mars

With the lights out it’s a little less dangerous
Even with a stranger never gets painless
Don’t be afraid (afraid, afraid)

Every time I think I’m gonna change it
(think I'm gonna change it, think I'm gonna change it)
It’s driving me (driving me) insane (insane)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Do you live, do you die, do you bleed
For the fantasy
In your mind, through your eyes, do you see
It’s the fantasy

Maybe tonight we can forget about it all
It could be just like heaven
I am a machine
No longer living, just a shell of what I dreamed
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Do you live, do you die, do you bleed
For the fantasy
In your mind, through your eyes, do you see
It’s the fantasy

Say it, say it, say what you believe
Say it, say it to me

Do you live, do you die, do you bleed
For the fantasy
Automatic, I imagine, I believe

Do you live
Do you die
Do you bleed
For the fantasy

Do you live, do you die, do you bleed
For the fantasy
In your mind, through your eyes, do you see
It’s the fantasy
Automatic, I imagine, I believe
Automatic, I imagine, I believe

Say it, say it, say what you believe
(Automatic, I imagine, I believe)
Say it, say it to me
(Automatic, I imagine, I believe)
Say it, say it, say what you believe
(Automatic, I imagine, I believe)
Say it, say it to me
Automatic, I imagine, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe
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steel dragon-we all die young

Risk my soul, test my life
For my bread
Spend my time lost in space
Am I dead?
Let the river flow
Through my callused hands
And take me from my own
The eyes of the damned

It makes my stomach turn
Yeah it tears my flesh from bone
How we turn a dream to stone

And we all die young

Oh Tell me I know
I lived so afraid
And still we cry alone
With words left unsaid

It makes my stomach turn
Yeah it tears my flesh from bone
How we turn a dream to stone

And we all die young
Yeah we all die young

Yeah we all die young
Yeah we all die young
Yeah we all die young
Yeah we all die
we all
we all
we all
we all
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Inside Out -Yellowcard

Hear. A little sympathy for you to waste on me
I know you're faking it but that's okay
And I don't want to drag it out
Don't want to bring you down
I never wanted it to end this way

Even if I wanted to
I don't think that I'd get to you
There's nothing I can say to you to make you feel alive again

Hear. A little jealousy
I hope you think of me
Hope you wonder where I sleep at night
Cause I feel like I'm inside out
You got me upside down
Maybe I was holding on too tight

Even if I wanted to
I don't think that I'd get to you
There's nothing I can say to you to make you feel alive again

So don't just say goodbye to me
Just turn your back away and leave
And if you're lucky I will be your last regret, your only friend

The two of us we dream like one
The two of us, the two of us
The two of us take breath like one
The two of us, the two of us

The two of us we dream like one
The two of us, the two of us
The two of us take breath like one
The two of us, the two of us

I guess that this is over now
I guess it's called the falling out
But everyday I'm learning how to make it through this life I'm in

Even if I wanted to
I don't think that I'd get to you
There's nothing I can say to you to make you feel alive again

So don't just say goodbye to me
Just turn your back away and leave
And if you're lucky I will be your last regret, your only friend

jimmy eat world-pain

I don't feel the way I've ever felt.
I know.
I'm gonna smile and not get worried.
I try but it shows.

Anyone can make what I have built.
And better now
Anyone can find the same white pills.
It takes my pain away.

It's a lie. A kiss with open eyes
And she's not breathing back.
Anything but bother me.
(It takes my pain away)
Nevermind these are hurried times.
Oh oh oh
I can't let it bother me.

I never thought I'd walk away from you.
I did.
But it's a false sense of accomplishment.
Every time I quit

Anyone can see my every flaw.
It isn't hard.
Anyone can say they're above this all.
It takes my pain away.

It's a lie. A kiss with open eyes
And she's not breathing back.
Anything but bother me.
(It takes my pain away)
Nevermind these are hurried times.
Oh oh oh
I can't let it bother me.

I can't let it bother me.

It takes my pain away.

It's a lie. A kiss with open eyes
And she's not breathing back.
Anything but bother me.
(It takes my pain away)
Nevermind these are hurried times.
Oh oh oh
I can't let it bother me.

Takes my pain
Takes my pain
Takes my pain
Takes my pain away

jimmy eat world-the world you love

I got a story, it's almost finished,
And all I need is someone to tell it to;
Maybe that's you.

Our time is borrowed and spent too freely.
Every minute I have needs to be made up,
But how?
I'm looking for a nice way to say, "I'm out."
I want out.

I fall asleep with my friends around me,
The only place I know I feel safe;
I'm gonna call this home.
The open road is still miles away.
Hey nothing serious,
We still have our fun.
Or we had it once.

But windows open and close,
That's just how it goes.

Don't it feel like sunshine after all?
The world we love forever gone.
We're only just as happy
As everyone else seems to think we are.

I'm in love with the ordinary;
I need a simple space
To rest my head,
And everything gets clear.
Well I'm a little ashamed for asking
But just a little helps,
It gets me straight again;
Helps me get over it, over it.

It might seem like a dream
But it's real to me.

Don't it feel like sunshine after all?
The world we love forever gone.
We're only just as happy
As everyone else seems to think we are.

You should see the canals are freezing,
You should see me high.
You should just be here,
Be with me here.
It doesn't seem there's hope for me,
I let you down.
But I won't give in now,
Not for any amount.

Don't it feel like sunshine after all?
The world we love forever gone.
We're only just as happy
As everyone else seems to think we are.

Don't it feel like sunshine after all?
The world we love forever gone.
We're only just as happy
As everyone else seems to think we are.

ville valo&the 69 eyes-angel on my shoulder

I Wanna Feel You Now
Like A Thousand Lies Bleeding
Out Of Your Heart
Burning In The Night
Don't Wanna See You Crying
Fallen Out Of Light
I Wanna Feel You Now
Like An August Rain
Kissing Summer Goodbyes
I Wanna See Your Pain
I Don't Wanna See Your Crying
Fallen Out Of Light

I Don't Wanna See Your Crying
Little Angel On My Shoulder
I Wanna See You Flying
Back To Heaven Where You Belong

I Wanna Feel You Now
Like A Thousand Knives
Digging Out Of My Heart
Burning In The Night

I Don't Wanna See Your Crying
Fallen Out Of Light
I Don't Wanna See Your Crying
Little Angel On My Shoulder
I Wanna See You Flying
Back To Heaven Where You Belong
Don´t Want, Don't Wanna See Your Crying
Little Angel On My Shoulder
I Tell Alright Gonna Get You Crying
Come Hell Or High Water
Since You've Been Gone

Don't Wanna See Your Crying
Little Angel On My Shoulder
Don't Wanna See Your Crying
Back To Heaven Where You Belong
Don't Wanna See Your Crying
Little Angel On My Shoulder
I Tell Alright Gonna Get You Crying
Come Hell Or High Water
Since You've Been Gone
Since You've Been Gone
Since You've Been Gone

kiss-burn bitch burn

Well it's out of the fryin' pan and into the fire
You bent over, baby, and let me be the driver
Just a cut of pink, wouldn't believe me if I told you
But this time you bit off more than you can chew

My my, yeah, just listen to this, babe
I got nasty habits, it's a fine line
So many girls and so little time

When love rears its head, I wanna get on your case
Ooh baby, wanna put my log in your fireplace
Maybe baby, you wanna get played

Burn bitch burn, oooh, burn bitch burn, oooh
Burn bitch burn, oooh, burn bitch burn

Well it's an act of thrust and anyway you slice it
No sticks and stones, no kicks and groans can hide it
So why kid yourself, it's so cut and dry
Your body's condemned, and figures don't lie

Gonna cover my class, won't sit up and beg
Gotta keep my tail between my legs
You're cuttin' off your nose to spite your face
Ooh babe, gonna put you in your place

So burn bitch burn, oooh
Well the heels are stacked now
Burn bitch burn, oooh
And there's nothin' you can do
Burn bitch burn, oooh
So don't burn your bridges
Burn bitch burn - we're all through
We are all through baby, so just burn

Well the heels are stacked against you
Don't burn your bridges, we're all through
Hey babe and there's nothin' you can do

Burn bitch burn, oooh
And there's nothin' you can do babe
Burn bitch burn, oooh, we're all through
Burn bitch burn, oooh, ooh burn, burn my baby
Burn bitch burn, oooh, yeah...

tyketto-forever young

No sleepin', she waits tables late, tryin' to stay tough
Never ending, however long she waits, it's just not enough
He's sleeping late, no work around, working dreams come tumblin' down
He's been down every road in this old dead-end town

And now they're two more runners in the night
Forever young, time on our side, we've got tomorrow, we've got tonight
Two hungry hearts out on the run, we'll always be forever young

She's cryin', two worlds collide, can't take anymore
He's denyin' the kick inside, but then he slams the door
He said, we made a deal, you and I, cross our hearts and hope to die
No matter what may come, we'll never say goodbye
But now we're two more runners in the night

Forever young, time on our side, we've got tomorrow, we've got tonight
Two hungry hearts out on the run, we'll always be forever young

Forever young, time on our side, we've got tomorrow, we've got tonight
Two hungry hearts out on the run, we'll always be forever young

Forever young, time on our side, we've got tomorrow, we've got tonight
Two hungry hearts out on the run, we'll always be forever young
Forever, just you and I, forever, forever, just you and I

sonata arctica-replica

I'm home again, I won the war,
and now I am behind your door.
I tried so hard to obey the law,
see the meaning of this all.
Remember me? Before the war.
I'm the man who lived next door.
Long ago...

As you can see, when you look at me,
I'm pieces of what I used to be.
It's easier if you don't see
me standing on my own two feet.
I'm taller when I sit here still,
you ask are all my dreams fulfilled.
They made me a heart of steel,
the kind them bullets cannot see.

Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me...

The light is green, my slate is clean,
new life to fill the hole in me.
I had no name, last December,
Christmas Eve I can't remember.
I was in a constant pain,
I saw your shadow in a rain.
I painted all your pigeons red,
I wish I had stayed home instead.

Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me...

Are you gonna leave me now, when it is all over
Are you gonna leave me, is my world now over...

Raising from the place I've been,
and trying to keep my home base clean.
Now I'm here and won't go back, believe.

I fall asleep and dream a dream, I'm floating in a
silent dream. No-one placing blame on me
But nothing's what it seems to be, yeah.

Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me...

Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica.
Empty shell inside of me
I'm a replica. (repeat)

Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me.

I'm home again, I won the war,
and now I am behind your door.
I tried so hard to obey the law,
see the meaning of this all.
Remember me? Before the war.
I'm the man who lived...

backstreet boys-drowning

Don't pretend you're sorry
I know you're not
You know you got the power
To make me weak inside
Girl you leave me breathless
But it's okay 'cause
You are my survival
Now hear me say
I can't imagine life
Without your love
Even forever don't seem
Like long enough

'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love

Maybe I'm a drifter
Late at night
'Cause I long for the safety
Of flowing freely
In your arms
I don't need another life line
It's not for me
'Cause only you can save me
Oh can't you see
I can't imagine life
Without your love
And even forever don't seem
Like long enough

'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love

Go on and pull me under
Cover me with dreams, yeah
Love me mouth to mouth now
You know I can't resist
'Cause you're the air
That I breathe

Everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
And baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning your love

Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning
In your love
I keep drowning
In your love
Baby I can't help it
Can't help it no, no

'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love

behind crimson eyes-sometimes forever means never

You never, would take no for an answer
Your smile like cancer
I'm always, there for you but
You only ever take what's mine

Was there something I said
That could make you feel this way
And make me feel like my world's not turning
Is there something I should do
Should I stay the fuck away from you
You're breaking away

Leave today, take with you
Every memory along with every
Mistake I, made for you
It's all over, our lives have torn in two

Why do you care?
I don't understand
I can't justify all those lies
I can't go on living this way
It's not a game... and I'm not ok.

good charlotte-S.O.S

Is anybody listening?
Can you hear me when I call?
Shooting signals in the air,
Cuz I need somebody's help.
I can't make it on my own,
So I'm giving up myself
Is anybody listening?

I've been stranded here and I'm miles away.
Making signals hoping they save me
I lock myself inside these walls
Cuz out there I'm always wrong.
I don't think I'm gonna make it
So while I'm sitting here on the eve of my defeat
I write this letter and hope it saves me

Is anybody listening?
Can you hear me when I call?
Shooting signals in the air
Cuz I need somebody's help
I can't make it on my own
So I'm giving up myself
Is anybody listening?

I'm stuck in my own head and I'm oceans away
Would anybody notice if I chose to stay?
I'll send an S.O.S. tonight
And wonder if I will survive
How in the hell did I get so far away this time?
So now I'm sitting here
The time of my departure's near
I say a prayer please, someone save me

Is anybody listening?
Can you hear me when I call?
Shooting signals in the air
Cuz I need somebody's help
I can't make it on my own
So I'm giving up myself
Is anybody listening?

I'm lost here-I can't make it on my own
I don't want to die alone
I'm so scared
Drowning now
Reaching out
Holding onto everything I know
Crying Out
Dying now
Need some help

Is anybody listening?
Can you hear me when I call?
Shooting signals in the air
I need somebody's help
I can't make it on my own
I'm givin' up myself
Is anybody listening?

HIM-burried alive by love

Again the burden of loosing rests upon my shoulders.
And its weight seems unbearable.
Your tomb is where your heart is, I should have told her.
but within me hid a secret so terrible.

To cry is to know that your alive.
And my river of tears has run dry.
And i never wanted to fool you no.
but a cold heart is a dead heart,
and it feels like ive been buried alive by love.

If I should die before i wake, pray no one my soul to take.
If i wake before i die, rescue me with your smile.
If I should die before i wake, pray no one my soul to take.
If i wake before i die, rescue me with your smile.

The kiss of vanity blessed me with spiritual murder,
and fed the gods of war insasiable.
Your home is where the dark is, I should have told her,
Embrace the fire indestructable.

To die is to know that your alive.
And my river of blood wont run dry.
I never wanted to lose, no.
But a cold heart is a dead heart,
and it feels like ive been burried alive by love.

If I should die before i wake, pray no one my soul to take.
If i wake before i die, rescue me with your smile.
If I should die before i wake, pray no one my soul to take.
If i wake before i die, rescue me with your smile.

and they say to die is to know that your alive.
and my River of tears has run dry.
I never wanted to fool you no.
But a cold heart is a dead heart.
and a deserted soul is gone.
a cold heart is a dead heart,
and it feels like ive been burried alive by love.

If I should die before i wake, pray no one my soul to take.
If i wake before i die, rescue me with your smile.
If I should die before i wake, pray no one my soul to take.
If i wake before i die, rescue me with your smile.


I see your scars
I know where they’re from
So sensually carved and bleeding
Until you’re dead and gone
I’ve seen it all before
Beauty and splendour torn
It’s when heaven turns to black
And hell to white
Right so wrong and wrong so right

Feel it turning your heart into stone
Feel it piercing your courageous soul
You’re beyond now- redemption
And no one’s going to catch you when you fall

I see you crawl
You can barely walk
And arms wide open
You keep on begging for more
I’ve been there before
Knocking on the same door
It’s when hate turns to love
And love to hate
Faith to doubt and doubt to faith

HIM-Sweet Pandemonium

Today tomorrow seems so far away
In the waiting lane, yeah
So safe, in the blinding light of love unchained
In yesterday's grave, yeah

The truth I can sense so sweet
Is buried within sweet pandemonium
Concealed by disbelief
The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

Afraid that everything remains unchanged
In this fragile dream, yeah
Ashamed of the shattered remains
Of promises made, yeah

The truth I can sense so sweet
Is buried within sweet pandemonium
Concealed by disbelief
The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

Trying by the enduring dream
Faith by the enduring dream
The secret cries for worrying
Now we're sinking deep in sweet pandemonium

The truth I can sense so sweet
Is buried within sweet pandemonium
Concealed by disbelief
The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

HIM-Endless Dark

softly the light shines through the gates of grace
on me and you deceiving our restless hearts
flickering flame so serene
Devours the night so we could see
the fear we hold onto so strong

but i know where i belong
away from your gods..
that heal our wounds and light this
Endless Dark

lonely the light shines on you
through the gates of fire entombed
feeding on your love
Weak is the blaze that kept me away
From cruelty and tenderness embraced
Saving my soul no more
woah oh woahhh...

and i know where i belong
away from your gods..
that heal our wounds and light this
Endless Dark

and i know where i belong
away from your gods..
that heal our wounds and light this
Endless Dark
that heal our wounds,
heal our wounds,
and light this Endless Dark

the shine on you on you and tame your burning heart
that bury my truth right into your arms
that worship the tomb of our forlorn love

that heal our wounds and light this
Endless Dark
that heal our wounds and light this
Endless Dark
that heal our wounds and light this
Endless Dark
that heal our wounds and light this
Endless Dark
that heal our wounds and light this
Endless Dark